Professional MatchMaking on the Gulf Coast
With 20 years of experience in the dating industry working with Denise could possibly be the best decision for your romantic future! Denise will hold a private one-on-one consultations in Destin, Florida by appointment only. The consultation is a 90-minute meeting to evaluate a potential client’s needs, expectations and most importantly, the suitability of the applicant. The consultation provides the client a chance to meet face to face with Denise and learn what services would be best suited to his or her needs. Program fees will only be discussed in the consultation. You can schedule an appointment on the bottom of this page by clicking the calendar. You will walk away with a clear and precise strategic plan of action to make attracting the right person easier than you had ever imagined! You will not only be matched personally by Denise if you decide to go forward with matchmaking but you will also be armed with all of the skills necessary to succeed in developing a healthy relationship! Schedule you 90 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
National VIP & Selective Searches
Why cast your net so small and limit your self to a small geographical area? According to the United States Census in 2015 there were 107 Million Singles in America! So how do you find the one that is right for you? The answer is really not that complicated! First, you narrow that number down to how many singles are serious about finding a long lasting relationship. Not an easy task to do all by yourself! The clients that work with matchmakers have made a conscious decision, invested emotionally and financially and have committed to making it a priority! Working with me, we can create a Strategic Plan of Action to get your profile in front of the nations TOP matchmakers at a fraction of the cost most matchmaker charge. They are looking for you! If you want to be even more proactive and create a Selective Search with your specific requirements we can do that as well! Schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Divorce & Break Up Recovery
Whether you were married or not, breaking up is hard to do. Divorce & Break Up Recovery is never easy and it can be a long healing process if you choose to go through it on your own. Some people stay in the grieving process for years because they don’t even know how to proceed with life after divorce. When going through a divorce or break up we have tremendous fear of the unknown all while coping with extreme feelings of loss. There is a way to expedite the grieving process and Denise can walk you through it hand in hand. There is no reason to go it alone! Subscribe to the 15 week email series which includes a 45 minute video covering the grieving process and receive your e-book to follow along with or simply schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Men & Woman's Date Coaching
Each person is unique and so are their circumstances. Denise will personally take the time to get to know you and find out exactly what areas we need to work on in order to bring out the very best version of YOU possible. All coaching programs are designed to fit your individual needs. Mostly, it is about teaching you to get out of your own way! Schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Relationship Coaching
Do you feel like you hit a bump in the relationship road? Are issues in your relationship starting to pile up? Relationships require periodic assessments in order to grow and flourish. In today's disposable relationship society we tend to think the grass may be greener on the other side but most times it really is just a mater of watering your own grass! Whatever your relationship issues are it is usually best to have an unbiased sounding board to bounce things off of before you make decisions. Learning effective communication skills, setting boundaries and defining your intentions are usually the first step! Schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
60 Minute Strategic Planning Consultation ~ In Office or via Live Video Call
An Introduction to MatchMaking, Date Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Image Consultation & Makeovers or Divorce Recovery. During this time we will evaluate your current social situation and determine the best plan of action for you to take, set realistic goals and get you pointed in the right direction. You will leave confident with a clear Strategic Plan of Action that will turn your social life around! MatchMaker referrals can be made nationwide. Schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Free Data Base for All Singles
All singles are encouraged to register for the free data base! Please understand that by registering you are not guaranteed any service. However, this is the first place Denise will look when performing a VIP Search for her exclusive clients! If she feels you may be a compatible match, you will receive a phone call and be invited in to meet with Denise personally to discuss the potential compatibility of the match. What do you have to lose? Register today!
Free Personality Assessments
One of the key factors to healthy relationships is knowing yourself. We need to have a deep understanding of who we are before we let others into our world. Learning about ourselves also gives us insight to understanding others. We recommend you take the time to complete the Personality Assessments and email the results directly to [email protected] before your scheduled appointment time.
Online Profile Strategy Sessions & Creating your "Personal Brand"
Is your online dating profile yielding the results you desire? If not you may need to rethink your strategy! Denise will sit down with you and help create a profile that will get you a better response. You know what you want but do you know what they want? If you compare online dating to advertising, are you designing your profile to reach your target market? What is your personal brand?Think about it...then schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Extreme Make Over & Image Consulting
When people hear the word makeover they automatically think in terms of appearance. Maybe a new hair style, new wardrobe, image consulting or something to that affect. These things can change how you look and make you more attractive to the opposite sex BUT this alone is not going to give you the skills necessary to attract, meet, and keep the person of your dreams. In order to attract, meet, and keep that person, you also have to put your time and energy into developing and projecting the best version of who you truly are. We start by just building on your already fabulous qualities so you remain true to your authentic self. When you’re armed with the right attitude and strategies you will have more energy and confidence, but most importantly you will become that person which will allow you to be one step closer to finding the happy and healthy relationship that you deserve. This is derived from the emotional confidence you will gain from this experience. For exterior makeovers please see our Services we Love page. Schedule your 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Virtual Web Events
Denise hosts Virtual Web Events monthly where we discuss "ALL THINGS DATING!" Denise covers material that will help you become more self aware and help you to attract the type of person you want to be with! Most Virtual Events are view-able for one month only and you will need a password for the replays tab in the top menu.. Don't miss out! Be sure to subscribe!
With 20 years of experience in the dating industry working with Denise could possibly be the best decision for your romantic future! Denise will hold a private one-on-one consultations in Destin, Florida by appointment only. The consultation is a 90-minute meeting to evaluate a potential client’s needs, expectations and most importantly, the suitability of the applicant. The consultation provides the client a chance to meet face to face with Denise and learn what services would be best suited to his or her needs. Program fees will only be discussed in the consultation. You can schedule an appointment on the bottom of this page by clicking the calendar. You will walk away with a clear and precise strategic plan of action to make attracting the right person easier than you had ever imagined! You will not only be matched personally by Denise if you decide to go forward with matchmaking but you will also be armed with all of the skills necessary to succeed in developing a healthy relationship! Schedule you 90 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
National VIP & Selective Searches
Why cast your net so small and limit your self to a small geographical area? According to the United States Census in 2015 there were 107 Million Singles in America! So how do you find the one that is right for you? The answer is really not that complicated! First, you narrow that number down to how many singles are serious about finding a long lasting relationship. Not an easy task to do all by yourself! The clients that work with matchmakers have made a conscious decision, invested emotionally and financially and have committed to making it a priority! Working with me, we can create a Strategic Plan of Action to get your profile in front of the nations TOP matchmakers at a fraction of the cost most matchmaker charge. They are looking for you! If you want to be even more proactive and create a Selective Search with your specific requirements we can do that as well! Schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Divorce & Break Up Recovery
Whether you were married or not, breaking up is hard to do. Divorce & Break Up Recovery is never easy and it can be a long healing process if you choose to go through it on your own. Some people stay in the grieving process for years because they don’t even know how to proceed with life after divorce. When going through a divorce or break up we have tremendous fear of the unknown all while coping with extreme feelings of loss. There is a way to expedite the grieving process and Denise can walk you through it hand in hand. There is no reason to go it alone! Subscribe to the 15 week email series which includes a 45 minute video covering the grieving process and receive your e-book to follow along with or simply schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Men & Woman's Date Coaching
Each person is unique and so are their circumstances. Denise will personally take the time to get to know you and find out exactly what areas we need to work on in order to bring out the very best version of YOU possible. All coaching programs are designed to fit your individual needs. Mostly, it is about teaching you to get out of your own way! Schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Relationship Coaching
Do you feel like you hit a bump in the relationship road? Are issues in your relationship starting to pile up? Relationships require periodic assessments in order to grow and flourish. In today's disposable relationship society we tend to think the grass may be greener on the other side but most times it really is just a mater of watering your own grass! Whatever your relationship issues are it is usually best to have an unbiased sounding board to bounce things off of before you make decisions. Learning effective communication skills, setting boundaries and defining your intentions are usually the first step! Schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
60 Minute Strategic Planning Consultation ~ In Office or via Live Video Call
An Introduction to MatchMaking, Date Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Image Consultation & Makeovers or Divorce Recovery. During this time we will evaluate your current social situation and determine the best plan of action for you to take, set realistic goals and get you pointed in the right direction. You will leave confident with a clear Strategic Plan of Action that will turn your social life around! MatchMaker referrals can be made nationwide. Schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Free Data Base for All Singles
All singles are encouraged to register for the free data base! Please understand that by registering you are not guaranteed any service. However, this is the first place Denise will look when performing a VIP Search for her exclusive clients! If she feels you may be a compatible match, you will receive a phone call and be invited in to meet with Denise personally to discuss the potential compatibility of the match. What do you have to lose? Register today!
Free Personality Assessments
One of the key factors to healthy relationships is knowing yourself. We need to have a deep understanding of who we are before we let others into our world. Learning about ourselves also gives us insight to understanding others. We recommend you take the time to complete the Personality Assessments and email the results directly to [email protected] before your scheduled appointment time.
Online Profile Strategy Sessions & Creating your "Personal Brand"
Is your online dating profile yielding the results you desire? If not you may need to rethink your strategy! Denise will sit down with you and help create a profile that will get you a better response. You know what you want but do you know what they want? If you compare online dating to advertising, are you designing your profile to reach your target market? What is your personal brand?Think about it...then schedule you 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Extreme Make Over & Image Consulting
When people hear the word makeover they automatically think in terms of appearance. Maybe a new hair style, new wardrobe, image consulting or something to that affect. These things can change how you look and make you more attractive to the opposite sex BUT this alone is not going to give you the skills necessary to attract, meet, and keep the person of your dreams. In order to attract, meet, and keep that person, you also have to put your time and energy into developing and projecting the best version of who you truly are. We start by just building on your already fabulous qualities so you remain true to your authentic self. When you’re armed with the right attitude and strategies you will have more energy and confidence, but most importantly you will become that person which will allow you to be one step closer to finding the happy and healthy relationship that you deserve. This is derived from the emotional confidence you will gain from this experience. For exterior makeovers please see our Services we Love page. Schedule your 60 minute Strategic Planning Consultation today!
Virtual Web Events
Denise hosts Virtual Web Events monthly where we discuss "ALL THINGS DATING!" Denise covers material that will help you become more self aware and help you to attract the type of person you want to be with! Most Virtual Events are view-able for one month only and you will need a password for the replays tab in the top menu.. Don't miss out! Be sure to subscribe!
Local (850) Events and Fundraising Efforts
In June Miss MatchMaker hosted a Painting with a Twist party benefiting Alaqua Animal Refuge. Miss MatchMaker hosted an online contest benefiting Children in Crisis, Inc which helps brothers and sister in foster care STAY together! Miss MatchMaker hosted the Share the Love Food Drive in March 2016 benefiting Harvest House! She also hosted a The Charity Gala celebrating her 20th year of Making Love Happen benefiting Camp MASH in efforts to raise both money and awareness for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis! Miss MatchMaker also hosted The Ugly Christmas Sweater Party and Sexy Salsa & Luscious Latin Dance Night at Bric a` Brac benefiting Harvest House !
All were a blast! Be sure to check out the Event Photos Page to see how much fun we have had! You can subscribe to Events on the subscribe page simply click the button below! Miss MatchMaker does these events because she truly enjoys bringing people together and making love happen! Donations are accepted and greatly appreciated to help fund future events! If you happen to meet someone from the event feel free to show your appreciation monetarily!
In June Miss MatchMaker hosted a Painting with a Twist party benefiting Alaqua Animal Refuge. Miss MatchMaker hosted an online contest benefiting Children in Crisis, Inc which helps brothers and sister in foster care STAY together! Miss MatchMaker hosted the Share the Love Food Drive in March 2016 benefiting Harvest House! She also hosted a The Charity Gala celebrating her 20th year of Making Love Happen benefiting Camp MASH in efforts to raise both money and awareness for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis! Miss MatchMaker also hosted The Ugly Christmas Sweater Party and Sexy Salsa & Luscious Latin Dance Night at Bric a` Brac benefiting Harvest House !
All were a blast! Be sure to check out the Event Photos Page to see how much fun we have had! You can subscribe to Events on the subscribe page simply click the button below! Miss MatchMaker does these events because she truly enjoys bringing people together and making love happen! Donations are accepted and greatly appreciated to help fund future events! If you happen to meet someone from the event feel free to show your appreciation monetarily!
Ready to jump all in? Take the 1st Step & Schedule Today!

Schedule an appointment with Denise if you would like further information. Click on the calendar and choose a time and date that works best for you! Weekend appointments are not available on the calendar however, you can contact her directly to see if she can accommodate your weekend appointment request. You can schedule a 15 minute Live Video Clarity Call free of charge. If you are serious about finding someone to develop a relationship with or coaching programs we suggest you schedule an 90 minute Strategic Planing Consultation in her office located on Main Street in Destin, FL or via Live Video.
Not all applicants are accepted for membership. All applicants for service must complete a 90 minute consultation and pass a complete criminal background check.
Email: [email protected] to request weekend appointments.
Not all applicants are accepted for membership. All applicants for service must complete a 90 minute consultation and pass a complete criminal background check.
Email: [email protected] to request weekend appointments.
Disclaimer: Miss MatchMaker, MatchMaker Gulf Coast and Denise Levy referred to as MMGC can not guarantee friendship, communication, dating or marriage from the services listed above. By scheduling service or making payment for services Client acknowledges that communication with MMGC offers only advice that is intellectually and conversationally stimulating to help client gain knowledge in the arena of dating and is considered for educational and entertainment purposes only. MMGC is not considered licensed "therapy" however, we will refer you to other professionals if need be. Client waives any and all claims, damages, losses or causes of action against MMGC it’s employees, agents, officers, and directors harmless from any advice followed by client and indemnifies and agrees to hold MMGC it’s employees, agents, officers and directors harmless from any and all loss, cost, expense, damage or claims of damage whatsoever resulting from advice given to client.